Electronic Products Warranty

Effective from the date of purchase, Nidfashion is proud to offer a 1-Year Limited Warranty on all electronic products. This warranty reflects our commitment to delivering high-quality and reliable electronic solutions for your satisfaction.

1-Year Limited Warranty Coverage

This warranty covers physical defects and alterations that impede the intended functionality of the electronic components within the specified product. To ensure the validity of your warranty, it is essential to follow the care and usage instructions provided with your purchase.

Exclusions from Warranty Coverage

Please note that certain conditions are not covered under this warranty. Excluded instances include damage or defects resulting from misuse, abuse, or regular wear and tear. Examples of scenarios not covered include fading, color changes, stains, punctures, tears, and abrasions. Additionally, minor surface imperfections or slight irregularities inherent to the manufacturing process do not impact the overall quality, functionality, or structural integrity of the product.

Shelf Life and Replacement Recommendation

The expected shelf life of our electronic products is generally 5 years. Beyond this period, it is advisable to consider replacing the components to ensure sustained performance and safety.

How to Claim Warranty

If you encounter any issues covered by our warranty during the specified timeframe, please reach out to our dedicated customer support team at Support@Nidfashions.com. They are ready to assist you and ensure a prompt resolution to any concerns.

Thank You for Choosing Nidfashion

We take pride in providing you with reliable and durable electronic products. Thank you for choosing Nidfashion for your electronic needs. We look forward to serving you with excellence and care.
